This is my home:
The imperfectly painted shores of
The Seacoast of Bohemia.
Where bright balloons float above my head
Bursting with tempting thoughts.
Like those of lemonade skies and
Mulberry blades of grass, or
Zucchini-scented orchids and
Lilies laced with chicken parmesan.
Where poetry grows on watermelon-colored trees and
Pens paint the hues of blues, and purples, and greens
Into the foaming waves and ripples of the ocean.
And the birds sing your name while
Soaring through the warm and salty breeze.
Bits of rock and sand bury themselves
Under my fingernails, as I etch my novel in the shoreline.
The sun slowly falls, revealing the constellations
Paperclipped to the night sky. Off in the distance,
A lighthouse spins round and round –
Searching for me, but this is my home:
Forever fossilized into the
The Seacoast of Bohemia.