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Current Submission Period Open Now Until March 1st, 2021


We accept submissions in the following sections:

  • Poetry- limited to 3 poems 

  • Short Story/Fiction - limited to 2,000 words

  • Creative Nonfiction/Personal Essay - limited to 2,000 words

  • Drama/Screenplay - limited to 8-10 pages, double spaced

  • Academic Essay - limited to 2,000 words, must be a literary analysis following MLA guidelines

  • Visual Media/Art/Photography- videos limited to 2-3 minutes, photographs and art limited to 3 pieces


  • All submissions must be directed to

  • Indicate the section to which you are submitting and your name in the subject line

  • Submit your work as a Word document labelled as such: "Your Last Name - Title of the Work"

  • In the body of your email, please indicate the best way we can reach you or if there was a particular professor who was instrumental in the creation of the submission that you may like to work with during the revision period

  • If you choose to submit multiple pieces, please submit them separately

  • We cannot accept submissions that have already been published elsewhere


What will the 2021 magazine edition look like?

This year we are excited to announce the first-ever fully online edition! Given the difficulties of virtual learning, we believe that this is the best decision to make for the magazine, but we are excited about the new possibilities this will offer us. 


What happened to the 2020 magazine edition?

Unfortunately, we had to suspend our most recent magazine edition because of the global pandemic and the difficult transition to online school. If your piece was selected for publication you are eligible for a special publication in this year's online magazine. Please be on the lookout for an email from us with further details. 


Who can submit? 

Any current IC student is encouraged to submit!. You do not have to be a Writing or English major to submit, we accept work from everyone!


What should I do if my piece is over the word limit?

Because we will be working on both the 2020 and 2021 editions this semester we will have to stick with the submission guidelines when considering work. However, if your piece is a few words above the limit you are encouraged to still submit and we will work with you, if possible, to trim it. 


When can I submit?

The submission period this year runs from January 6 to March 1, 2021. Refer to our homepage or email us at for any other questions. 


What happens if I'm accepted?

We review submissions on a rolling basis, so shortly after the submissions period ends we will contact you with an acceptance email. This will include information about which editor you'll be working with. Your editor will contact you with substantive edits after reviewing your submission and you will receive a rough deadline to complete those edits. After you complete your first round of edits, your submission will be reviewed again by a copy editor who will send you a second round of edits. After you complete your second edit, everything on your end is done! We will host a virtual party and awards ceremony for ZoetIC staff and writers in May.

Submissions: FAQ

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